Dr. Sharva Hampton-Campbell has a passion and zeal for helping women tap into their God-given purpose.  She accomplishes this through life coaching sessions that focus on personal and professional development using biblical principles.  She is a licensed minister who enjoys helping ministries develop programs that enrich the lives of its congregation.

 Having obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Social Work from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dr. Hampton-Campbell’s educational background has afforded her opportunities to work in various settings in which the lives of women, children and families were vastly improved.  She has traveled stateside and internationally as a motivational speaker where the lives of women were immensely enriched. Her most memorable experience was having the opportunity to sit in the chambers of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago’s office sharing with him information about her workshop topic, “Connecting Inspiration and Spirituality,” in which she was preparing to facilitate the following day along with a group of professional women. Dr. Hampton-Campbell completed her doctorate in higher education administration with a concentration in interdisciplinary leadership. She is skilled at building leaders by drawing upon their personal and professional attributes, skills and abilities. She uses a holistic approach to bring out the best in her clients.

Dr. Sharva is the founder of Azinza, a women’s organization that host annual empowerment retreats.  She is also the founder of Women on the Move Network Global, a women’s organization that serves to help the lives of those in need.  A true trailblazer who also founded and operated several agencies, a nonprofit organization called The Carol Lizzy Empowerment Zone and an incorporated organization called The YES Mentoring Program.  Both businesses provided resources and services to disenfranchised youth and their families.

Dr. Sharva has co-authored “Becoming the Professional Woman,” “The Young Woman’s Guide For Personal Success,” “The Christian Women’s Guide For Personal Success,” and “Survival Skills For The African-American Woman,” and “Adventures of Sunday School.” She has a personal memoir that is currently in publication.  She believes that writing is central to the healing process.  It provides a cathartic experience that propels you to wholeness.

A native of Louisiana, Sharva currently resides in Champaign, Illinois with her husband of twenty-nine years.